Is Physiotherapy good for Back Pain?

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Physiotherapy and Back Pain

Back pain is among the most common causes of physical disabilities most commonly in work. Research suggests that around 90% of people are likely to experience lower back pain during their lives.

Physiotherapy is among the most commonly used types of treatment that can be used to get alleviation from lower back discomfort. It is utilized in both forms as a singular line of therapy or in conjunction with other therapies like moist heat, ultrasonic therapy, electrical stimulation, Photobiomodulation and ESWT etc.

The human spine is a complex system composed of interlocking parts, such as the discs, vertebrae, ligaments, facet joints, and muscles. Because of the complex structure, an incident of back pain requires an effective physiotherapy-based program for rehabilitation after the initial therapy course has been taken.

Key Aspects

In this article, we’ve outlined the essential elements for physiotherapy in managing lower back pain.

  1. Early activity and advice The evidence shows that encouraging early motion for lower back pain is among the most critical aspects of treatment for this kind of problem.
  2. Manipulative or Mobilization physiotherapy This area focuses on encouraging the mobilization of the injured area. The technique of manipulative physiotherapy can be used to target the exact location of pain for the aim.
  3. Specific stabilization exercises. This element of physiotherapy focuses on increasing the endurance and strength of muscles weakening because of low back discomfort.
  4. General exercises and stretches A sequence of correctly structured exercises and stretches are usually executed concerning the individual’s health, medical condition, and the cause of lower back pain.
  5. Ergonomic advice: Since workplace-related injuries account for more than 70% of lower back injuries, The physiotherapists also focus on providing an accurate, ergonomic device that guides the patient in using the correct technology at work to avoid and treat lower back pain.
  6. Postural guidelines – This part of physiotherapy concentrates on instructing patients on the proper posture and keeping an upright posture to avoid lower back discomfort.

Why should I seek therapy for back discomfort?

If you’re experiencing back pain that is causing you issues or isn’t getting better within a couple of weeks, it might be worthwhile to see a professional physiotherapist. Back Pain Physiotherapy is an excellent option for a variety of kinds of back discomfort. It can aid in the following.

  • Low back pain isn’t specific to a particular area where no cause (such as an unrelated health condition, injury, or other) has been found.
  • Sciatic pain is a common occurrence. It can radiate through your back and legs and could be the result of the prolapsed disc (when the disc within your spine is bulging out of its standard form and presses against the nerve).
  • Back pain is caused by the ageing of your discs in the spinal column (degenerative disc diseases).
  • Spinal stenosis occurs when the area around the spinal cord gets smaller, which puts stress on the spinal column, creating discomfort.

Your GP might recommend the physiotherapist of your choice or schedule an appointment for yourself. For more details on this, please refer to our guide on finding a physiotherapist.

A physiotherapist or your doctor may suggest physiotherapy as part of an overall treatment plan that incorporates manual hand-on therapy, an exercise program, and psychological assistance. Combining treatments like this could give you the most excellent chance of removing the back discomfort. Your physiotherapist will help you understand the root of the pain and do something to alleviate it.

What happens when I go to a physical therapist?

If you’re first seeing the physiotherapist, they’ll conduct the time to take a thorough medical background. They’ll inquire about any medical issues you have, your daily routine, including your work and home environment, as well as any medications you’re taking. They’ll also ask you the symptoms you’ve experienced and the triggers that trigger these symptoms. They’ll then conduct thorough physical examinations that include examining how you move and how your back is functioning. They could also assess your neurological system to determine how your nerves perform. It is possible that you need to take off certain clothes before going for physiotherapy so that the physiotherapist can see and feel the muscles in your back. You may request an extra chaperone if you’d like.

The physiotherapist will discuss their suggested treatments and what they hope to achieve to ease back discomfort. They will also inform you of any possible risks associated with the treatment. If you’re uncertain about something, do not be afraid to inquire. It’s crucial to comprehend what your physiotherapist is proposing since you’ll have to consent to proceed with treatment.

Stay active and exercise.

Generally speaking, being active is the most effective treatment to help back discomfort. Exercise is the primary component of any therapy. Exercises can improve flexibility as well as mobility and strength within your back. Certain people prefer to exercise with a partner, so your GP or physiotherapist could recommend joining a group fitness program.

A physiotherapist can guide you on the best exercises for you and the best way to do them. Below, we’ve provided an overview of the various kinds of activities you’ll encounter.

Aerobic exercise

It includes any exercise that moves you and raises the heart rate. It is the most crucial component of any treatment program. Aerobic exercise will help ease any stiffness you might experience and help keep you moving. It can also help you reduce your weight and help improve your overall health. Your physiotherapist could suggest low-impact aerobic exercise, to begin with. These include swimming, walking, or using exercise bikes or step machines. They’ll help you do more when you’re comfortable. They’ll probably suggest aerobic exercises for between 20 and 30 minutes, but not more than five times per week. You may have to begin with shorter intervals.

Exercises for stretching

Stretching helps improve the flexibility of your spine. It also reduces stress on the muscles that support your spine. The majority of people perform these exercises daily. An everyday stretching routine is lying on your back and then pulling your knees toward you, allowing them to extend your spine. Standing and then bending toward the side to stretch your hamstrings on the back of your legs. It can help relieve stress in the lower part of your back.

Exercises to strengthen

Training to strengthen your core muscles may be an element of exercises to help back discomfort. These exercises may be beneficial in the short term. However, it is becoming clear that core exercises aren’t more effective than general exercise over the long run. It may not be something your physiotherapist is focused on. Being active all the time is much more vital.

Manual treatments

Your physiotherapist might recommend trying one of these techniques. Manual (hands-on) methods. It should always be done in conjunction with an exercise routine.

  • Mobilization is when the physiotherapist uses slow, gentle motions to stretch the spine. The goal is to get your spine back to its normal range of motion.
  • Manipulation is when your physiotherapist will perform quick thrusting movements using their hands in a particular location on your spine. It is possible to hear a “pop sound as they perform this.

The physiotherapists provided alternative treatments like transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) and Acupuncture. However, these therapies aren’t advised in the recommendations for treating back problems since there isn’t enough evidence to support their use. Massage is another treatment for which there’s no evidence of its effectiveness. It is possible to treat lower back discomfort, but only in conjunction with an exercise program.

Locating a professional physiotherapist

It is possible to make an appointment with an experienced physiotherapist. It is possible to search directories online to locate the best physiotherapist for you in your region. If you are in Noida or Delhi NCR is found, then you should consult Dr. Aggarwal Physio would be the ideal choice for back pain treatment. We have a solid team of highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists. They have passed the accredited training standards and have treated more than 20,000 patients in the last two years. To confirm a physiotherapist’s registration, check the Dr. Aggarwal Physio Centre website at or book your appointment by clicking the below button.