The neuro Physiotherapy treatment solutions are used for people having the function of movement disorders. These problems can be originated from any kind of problem in a neuromuscular or nervous system in the body. In these health conditions, the patients can feel the weakness of muscles, poor body balance, and coordination. The patient can also have unrestrained muscle tremors and spasm. There can also be problems like function loss and a decrease in sensation in the body. Here are some of the common neurological conditions in the body:
- Functional Neurological Disorders
- Stroke, CVA, or TIA
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries
The neuro Physiotherapy will work in different ways according to the patient’s condition and other factors like:
- The location of damage to the nervous system
- The condition of the damage to your nervous system
- Other Medical Health conditions during the treatment
- Medications for other treatments
- General regular activities and fitness level before the neurological problem in the body
- Regular diet plan
- Support of the family and relatives
The effects of the neuro Physiotherapy will depend on all these conditions of the patient during the treatment. During neurological conditions like spinal injury, stroke, brain injury, or any other serious problem, the patient will only get the treatment at the hospital. You can search for a good physiotherapist like Dr. Amit Aggarwal in the Noida & Greater Noida West to get a good treatment solution with neuro physiotherapy.
The treatment with neuro Physiotherapy will depend on various factors and conditions of the patient. Why getting the services with a good physiotherapist, you will be able to recover quickly after the treatment for physiotherapy. In this neuro Physiotherapy treatment, they may include:
- Passive Limb Exercises: If the patient is unable to move the arms and legs
- Positioning / Splinting: Correct the limb positioning, or splint prescription, to avoid the tightening of joints don’t
- Bed Exercises: For the stretching and strengthening of the muscles
- Breathing and Circulation Exercises: For prevention of respiratory and vascular complications like chest infection and DVTs
- Mobilization: Assistance to move with safety in bed, during sit up, stand and walk
- Mobility Aids: Prescription, advice, and instruction to safely use a walking frame
- Discharge Planning: Information about any essential equipment that you may need at home after discharge
- Tailored Exercise: Exercises to build strength, stamina, coordination, and balance
The treatment with neuro Physiotherapy is only half part for any patient. To completely recover from such health conditions, they will need to find the services of an experienced physiotherapist in a Rehab clinic after discharge from the hospital. These post-treatment services of neurological Physiotherapy will be very helpful for the patients in recovery. Some of the special patients need special care and support for recovery after the treatment of Neurological conditions. In such cases, it is important to provide special equipment and special care to the patient according to the guidelines of a physiotherapist.
Therefore, the treatment of neurological conditions depends on the treatment in the hospital and recovery after discharge from the hospital. It is important to follow the instructions of the physiotherapist for the complete recovery of the patient from such health conditions. If you also want to get the services of a good physiotherapist for neurological conditions and treatment, you can choose the services of Dr. Aggarwal and the team because they are experienced, physiotherapists.